A little bit about us…

The North Gower Farmers’ Market was founded in 1994 by local residents Carolyn Seabrook and Andrew Harkness. Carolyn sold Andrew on the idea of a Farmers’ Market in her family’s vacant barn, and together they launched the project.
The North Gower Farmers’ Market started taking off, thanks to local publicity, as well as Carolyn and Andrew’s enthusiasm. The Market continued to grow, and the North Gower Farmers’ Market Association (NGFMA) was established in 1996 to build a nonprofit organization bringing benefits to the community of North Gower and the surrounding area.

The Market, now in its 30th season, is still going strong. It appeals equally to residents, who show up at 8:30 every Saturday morning to get first pick of the bread and pies, and to visitors, who come out to enjoy a taste of the countryside.

There’s always something to see. The Market’s organizers keep each season fresh with new sights and sounds and there is always something new to check out, rain or shine! Vendors, attracted to the friendly atmosphere and community support, are eager to have a forum for selling their self-produced goods. Customers are keen to purchase the fresh produce, baking, crafts, artwork and other products. Years after planting the seed, the North Gower Farmers’ Market has grown into a very good thing in its community.